Why Adoption?

We both wanted to have kids right away, but we got married young, so we decided we would wait two years before trying to conceive.  We were so excited to have kids, and we had a hard time waiting.  We made many plans and preparations even before we started trying.

After we started trying, we waited, and waited, and eventually we were told we would have a slim chance of conceiving even with fertility treatments.  We tried fertility treatment after fertility treatment anyway.  Finally, 6 years and many tears later, we decided to at least get started on the adoption process while still pursuing fertility treatments.  As soon as we started the adoption paperwork, our hearts were at peace.  We immediately forgot all about our fertility treatments, and knew adoption was the right path for us.

We are now so thankful for our infertility.  We wouldn't have our beautiful son if not for our infertility, and for the miracle of adoption.  We know adoption is the way for our family.  We are eternally grateful for the blessings of adoption in our lives.